Engineering Insurance

Engineering Insurance Comprehensive coverage

For engineering insurance
Insurance of all the risks of entrepreneurs
Provide the necessary financial protection to owners and / or contractors undertaking a "project" if the project requires repair, replacement or repair following a sudden loss or damage during implementation and / or maintenance.
Interests covered
I. Material interests
Contract work (covering all material costs involved) and all permanent temporary work to be carried out within the project, including:
Associated property located on the Site, stored or transferred
In addition to other property belonging to the owners (existing property)
Contractor equipment and temporary equipment for construction on the legislator site
Cover the costs of "rubble removal"
Architects / consultants fees
Air freight
Overtime and night work.
II.Part of civil liability:
The Insured Company must indemnify the Insured, without exceeding the amounts set out in the Schedule to the Act, for the amounts to which the Insured is legally liable for payment as follows:
Physical injury or illness of others (fatal or not).
Loss and damage to property belonging to third parties.
Coverage can be extended to cross-responsibility:
That if the extension of coverage to include reciprocal liability, the insurance of civil liability provided for in Article II of the document will apply to both parties in the table of the insured (the owner of the project, the contractor, subcontractors and engineers) as if a separate document had been issued for each Who are they.
Premium rate
The insurance premium is calculated on the basis of each thousand of the total value of the contract is based on taking nature and type of contract activity, over a period of coverage, Althmlat agreed, previous claims of the contractor, the working method, working conditions and types of equipment location.
The percentage is estimated at 10-25% of the value of the invoice according to the terms of the documentary credit.

Secure break machines
Under this insurance indemnifies the insured for any damage or injury caused to the insured items (machines) and mentioned in the insurance schedule during the insurance period mentioned in the insurance policy resulting from a sudden invisible physical damage .
Causes of damage and loss
Design error
Defect in the product.
Error in the installation.
Bad use and lack of experience.
Water shortages for boilers
The explosion
The compensation is either in cash, repair or replacement (as agreed) and the responsibility of the company begins after the successful pilot operation of the machines.
Amounts of insurance
The amount of the insurance is equivalent to the replacement value of the machines insured with new machines of the same type and capacity, ie the value of the replacement in addition to the cost of transport, customs, installation etc.
Securitized property
The document covers all kinds of machines and associated devices during operation with the exception of those who have a short period of service equipment such as interchangeable tools, filters, cylinders, toothing gears, ropes, chains, belts, glass, rubber, wood or ceramic parts, as well as operating modes such as fuel / refrigeration materials / inductive materials / grease .... etc, n ' is not insurable.
Calculation of the premium
